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Elder Scrolls Online - Staying Relevant eso gold farming

Elder Scrolls Online - Staying Relevant eso gold farming

2018-09-13 Last but not least, Listen to the community. Gamers aren’t always the most pleasant people to deal with, but we are your customers and our opinions should be heard. Even if you disagree or think it’s a terrible idea, we should be heard. I know a lot of people might disagree with that but everyone once in a while we have some pretty terrific ideas. I think they have done an ok job so far listening to the community and adjusting accordingly to our feedback. You don’t see that often anymore and I think we should cherish it while it lasts, you know? What do you all think? How do you think ESO can stay relevant in a market that is becoming dull? Do you think it’ll survive the upcoming AAA games? Let me know in the comments below!

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The Elder Scrolls: Online is Celebrating Halloween Early with the Wolfhunter DLC eso gold for sale

The Elder Scrolls: Online is Celebrating Halloween Early with the Wolfhunter DLC eso gold for sale

2018-09-05 And to go with the Wolfhunter DLC, if your character is afflicted by lycanthropy, you can now access a ton of improvements and changes to the Werewolf Skill Line. With Update 19, werewolf players have seen buffs to both the Werewolf Skill Line’s active and passive abilities. With the new update, the Blood Rage passive ability now increases the duration of your wolf transformation when you deal damage rather (instead of increasing transformation duration by amount of damage taken). Additionally, the Roar active ability is now an instant cast. You can find more details on free update 19 and the Wolfhunter dungeon DLC here. Wolfhunter is available now for PC and Console players. The official DLC trailer is below.

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